【2015】 Weekly Report
【Week 0】09.14-09.18
This week is the first week for my university life. I start by exploring my new city. I went to the Castle Museum to do some drawings. I don't feel very smart ,I think I did a wrong piece for my homework..
【Week 1】09.21-09.25
This week we are doing a insect character design..I have never drawn any insects before in my life. My research used Wiki and others on the web to find more infomation to help me do my work. Insects are very interesting. I would like to think about how to create them and tell a story about them. I found some infomation about history of primitive times, Victorian society and the future of mechanical development . I will use them all to create my characters. I'm starting to learn more how to desgin character/model sheets .( I hope I have done it the right way )
We had a course on learning how to use Zbrush this week. Zbrush is very useful for making a 3D model because I can draw on to the softwear and create something very easy. I would like to find some online coures on Youtube.
【22.09.15-04.10.15】Concept Design — Insect
【Week 2】09.28-10.02
This week I was ill in bed for 3days . I went to see my doctor. She gave me some medicine to take for a month, after which I have to see her again.
Moving on the good thing is we are studing some compositons and lights of improve art work. I now know something I never knew before, I would like to try and practice these skills for my homework.
Also we are taking about the history of games, e.g. the first game and some famous games. We need to find 5 games to put onto a grid showing Caillois’ classification of games.
I construct a grid according to this classification.
On Wednesday we had a life drawing course , we are doing some quick drawing in the class. I think life drawing is very useful for me to practice more drawing of the human body.
【28.09.2015】Composition & Light
【02.10.2015】 Contextual Studies
【Week 3】10.05-10.09
This week we are doing a timepiece design. I have googled images to find some inspiration. I think an interesting way is make a gothic timepiece, so I follow this inspiration to design my work. I never done any gothic art before , I think it is very demonic.
【05.10.205 - 18.10.2015】Concept Design — Timepiece
【Week 4】10.12-10.16
This week I read a book about character design . I learned about the significance of the character. The book explained how to create the protagonist and costar, also how to add personality to the story and scene of the characters. For example the protagonist must be a lifelike person, becuase one of the most compelling things about my characters are the sense of identification between the watcher and the protagonist.
We talked about more character design skill on Wednesday, for e.g. the moving mode and dress desgin of the character. Also we talk about more composition skill for drawing and the different concept art with other art. We had a Zbrush course on Wednesday as previously mentioned and I learned how to use different layers to make a mould. By the way I talk about the differece of low-model and high-model with my friend. The low-model is usually useful for online games,and the high-model is good for stand-alone game, becuase they want to make sure a good game experience under players' different computers configuration.
I watched a game commentary with interest .The game is called 'Alice: madness returns'. I think the sense of this game is very interesting. In particular, I feel there are a lot of artistic elements. I think this is a good game.
【14.10.2015】Trial to use Zbrush
【18.10.2015】Research of 'Alice: Madness Returns'.
【Week 5】10.19-10.23
This week I had a life drawing course. After returning home I found a website can help me to do more drawings of movement in the short time. for e.g. I could choose the time for each pose. (The webside is: http://www.posemaniacs.com/blog/thirtysecond )
We have a new task of concept design, we doing a character of ' TinderBox'. And my tutor decisioned an era of every student. My one is Georgian era, but I'm not sure how to do that so I will find some infomation first.
【Week 6】10.26-10.30
This week I drew some poses and continued doing my charater's work. I found some images of georgian fashion to help me complete my work. By the way, I read some infomation of Sengoku period, I think the history is very interseting. I would like to draw Manga in my free time.
【Week 7】11.02-11.06
This week I checked my work and made sure I was doing it the correct way. Also I researched 7 stories of games. I pick some games to talk about 'overcoming evil/monster', 'rags to riches', 'the quest', 'voyage and return', 'comedy', 'tragedies', 'tragedies' and 'rebirth'. I think the interesting way many games have evolved more than one condition.
【Week 8】11.09-11.13
This week I tidied up and made neat my artwork and supplemented my student work. I hope my works is good enough, because I'm not sure how to do some of the research . I hope we can get an example or a detail task list for the homework, and then I can check the work for myself.
To be continued...