I made the body look very different because I think it will be more exoteric for me to think about the feelings of people. I think the Soldier could be a dwarf because he needs to go to a great tree in the story. So I think that is why the Witch requested the Soldier to take the tinderbox for her, Maybe the reason why the soldier is so very small. The Princess is a beautiful woman. So I would like to make her looks very fetching. I thought about the 'S' shape for her body and the hair style, after all I think she could be a gentle person. The Witch is a very hideous person, and her lower lip hung down upon her breast. She is a hunchbacked woman because of this she will be like the witch in the story. Then I thought about the character silhouette of her, I would like to make her look like a curious oddity .
【18.10.2015】Research of 'Alice: Madness Returns'.
I watched a game commentary with interest .The game is called 'Alice: madness returns'. I think the sense of this game is very interesting. In particular, I feel there are a lot of artistic elements. I think this is a good game.
The art style is very abundant in this game. The main atmosphere is very strange, it combined gothic art, steampunk style, story elements, 2D and 3D modality etc. I think the art layout is brilliant.
【03.10.2015】History and development of representation in games.
The cathode ray tube amusement device is the first one which is known as an interactive electronic game to use cathode ray tube named CRT for short. This game is constructed by Thomas T. Goldsmith Jr. and Estle Ray Mann from analog electronics in 1947. And it is a game never published, but it was also patented in 1948.
Entertainment is a device that records and controls the quality of an electronic signal. The intensity of the electronic signal generated by the entertainment device is controlled by a knob affecting the beam path of the CRT. The device uses purely analog electronic devices, not using any memory devices, digital computers, or programming.
The CRT beam appears a bit of a trace of a parabolic path through the screen when the switch is activated. The spot represents a projectile's trajectory, which is dispersed on its tracks, representing the shell, like a time fuze.
On the screen there are several coverage targets, such as the object, the player will control the knob of the direct spot of the motion trajectory with the shell of the delay, in order to hit a target superimposed with the shell burst deadline.
OXO was a computer game developed by Alexander S. Douglas in 1952 for the EDSAC computer, which simulates a game of Noughts and crosses, also sometimes called Tic-tac-toe. Douglas game programming as a part of his doctoral thesis on the University of Cambridge. OXO is the first game of the game known as the video monitor.
In this game, the player will use the input and output of the rotary telephone controller, the computer is shown on the 35 x 16 dot matrix of the cathode ray tube. Every game is a match for an artificial intelligence.
The cathode ray tube amusement device is the first one which is known as an interactive electronic game to use cathode ray tube named CRT for short. This game is constructed by Thomas T. Goldsmith Jr. and Estle Ray Mann from analog electronics in 1947. And it is a game never published, but it was also patented in 1948.
Entertainment is a device that records and controls the quality of an electronic signal. The intensity of the electronic signal generated by the entertainment device is controlled by a knob affecting the beam path of the CRT. The device uses purely analog electronic devices, not using any memory devices, digital computers, or programming.
The CRT beam appears a bit of a trace of a parabolic path through the screen when the switch is activated. The spot represents a projectile's trajectory, which is dispersed on its tracks, representing the shell, like a time fuze.
On the screen there are several coverage targets, such as the object, the player will control the knob of the direct spot of the motion trajectory with the shell of the delay, in order to hit a target superimposed with the shell burst deadline.
OXO was a computer game developed by Alexander S. Douglas in 1952 for the EDSAC computer, which simulates a game of Noughts and crosses, also sometimes called Tic-tac-toe. Douglas game programming as a part of his doctoral thesis on the University of Cambridge. OXO is the first game of the game known as the video monitor.
In this game, the player will use the input and output of the rotary telephone controller, the computer is shown on the 35 x 16 dot matrix of the cathode ray tube. Every game is a match for an artificial intelligence.
【14.10.2015】Trial to use Zbrush.
Today I gained some more skill on Zbrush software. I reviewed the how to operation . I think Zbrush is an easy tool to make 3D-models, because when you use it it's just like playing with clay.
First of all I made a Chinese eucharist type cup, but it did not really look like a cup I had planned to make..so I would like to try something else.
【2015】 Weekly Report
【Week 0】09.14-09.18
This week is the first week for my university life. I start by exploring my new city. I went to the Castle Museum to do some drawings. I don't feel very smart ,I think I did a wrong piece for my homework..
【Week 1】09.21-09.25
This week we are doing a insect character design..I have never drawn any insects before in my life. My research used Wiki and others on the web to find more infomation to help me do my work. Insects are very interesting. I would like to think about how to create them and tell a story about them. I found some infomation about history of primitive times, Victorian society and the future of mechanical development . I will use them all to create my characters. I'm starting to learn more how to desgin character/model sheets .( I hope I have done it the right way )
We had a course on learning how to use Zbrush this week. Zbrush is very useful for making a 3D model because I can draw on to the softwear and create something very easy. I would like to find some online coures on Youtube.
【22.09.15-04.10.15】Concept Design — Insect
【Week 2】09.28-10.02
【05.10.205 - 18.10.2015】Concept Design — Timepiece
There are some scrawled images of my timepiece. First I drew silhouettes to find
some ideas. I would then use them and mix them together because I think the
combination would be interesting.
I like the use of the 'Gothic' theme for my timepiece because time is meaning
'Life' for me. Such as time time is the only thing we can never get back. Many
historians tell us time is the witness,the dark tone of life filled with
blood,death and despair.We can not resist time we can only surrender to it. We are the genuflector( worshippers) of time.We cherish time,pursue the sun and plan our around it. Time is irresistible. We can do anything with time. But the rule of the world is ; End of life we die .Time has run it's course. Gothic is embroiled in the darkness the ghostly obsessed dark side of humanity. So I would use this genre to make my timepiece. To remind humanity not to lose or waste time. In it self time is valuable for everyone.
( Gothic Info detail: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gothic_art )
【28.09.2015】Composition & Light
———— Composition ————
Today I studied some compositions of drawing; we talked about 'The Rule of Thirds', 'The L', 'The cross' and the 'Iconic'. I think they are very useful for me,they will help me to improve my artwork.
This image I used was 'The iconic cross' . I use the cross to distinguish 2 characters. In image, one the character is propping other character because I would like to make these two have a relationship so they have an interaction together.
I put these characters up and down of the image. The up one is light in the dark and the below one is opposite. Because the story of these two characters is strange. I made the main colour dark green because I want to give the image a gloomy atmosphere. This drawing is not very detailed but I think is good enough for me to depict in next time.
Now I would like to talk about these two character: