
【2015.10.29】Seven Stories.


1.Overcoming Evil/Monster
Super Mario Brothers / Metal Gear Solid V :The Phantom Pain / Mega Man / Devil May Cry
2.Rags to riches:The Sims series / Metal Gear Solid
3.The Quest:
Super Mario Brothers / Alice: Madness Returns / Mega Man / Final Fantasy / Devil May Cry
4.Voyage and Return:Metal Gear Solid / The Sims series
5. Comedy:Neighbours From Hell
6.Tragedies:The Binding of Isaac / Mega Man
7.Rebirth:Metal Max

Super Mario Brothers

    Players take on the role as Mario to play in this game. Mario's brother named Luigi is only a secondary role which can be used in the game's multiplayer mode and he also bear the role and functions of the same plot same as Mario. The purpose is through the race of the mushroom kingdom, the main purpose of survival is against Bowser's strength and save Princess Toadstool. At the end of each stage, the player will move to the left side of the screen to reach the end of a pole.

    The way of Mario's primary attack is jumping on top of enemies, and many enemies have different responses to this. For example, a Goomba will flatten and be defeated, but a Koopa Troopa will temporarily retract into its shell, this will allow Mario using it as a projectile. These shells may be destory a wall or other enemies, though they can also bounce back to beat and kill Mario. Another attack, for enemies standing overhead, is to jump up and hit beneath the brick that the enemy is standing on. Another way of Mario's attack is the Fire Flower; when he picked up a flower, Mario will change the color to white and red, and then he could throw fireballs to beat enimies, but he will only upgrades to Super Mario if he has not already been a Super Mario. An  item is the yellow star, it often appears after Mario hits certain concealed blocks. This item makes Mario temporarily invincible to most hazards and capable of defeating enemies on contact.

    The game consists of eight big stages with four sub-stages. The final stage of each big stage will takes Mario to a castle where Mario will fight with Bowser or one of his decoys. There are also some other stages. For example,a stage of taking place underwater, any different enemies will apear in this stage. In addition, there are some bonuses and secret areas in each stage. The most common secret areas is "warp pipes". There are many coins for Mario to collect in this area. Anf it will lead Mario to skip some areas in this game.

    Mario has been very good from the start in FC, The simple pictures,  lovely characters and colours of Mario are very popular with casual players. Especially players who prefer to play games in a relaxed state and who prefer to spend  a lot of time with the game.
 I like to play Super Mario Brothers too, but I think in this game there is not much feeling and the plot is weak . I think it would be more interesting if they can give the characters a number of unique personality features. 
    This game is in a classic series, I think the game mode is a little fixed in its ossibilities. Although they have been trying many new types of play, those ones give me a strange sence. Because they seldom have connotation of the elationship on their story.


Metal Gear Solid V :The Phantom Pain

    In Metal Gear Solid V :The Phantom Pain, players play this game as a role of "Big Boss", and its nickname is "Vemon" snake. Players will play this game in an open world environment. Elements of the game series is basically unchanged, it means that players can secretly from several points in the game world, to avoid the enemy guard, and the remaining has not been found. Included in the snake's repertoire of telescope, map, pistol, submachine guns and explosives. Following a series of traditional, phantom pain encourage game player without killing in the course of the game, the use of non lethal weapons as Zuiqiang uniform enemy. Game player can cross the game world, such as cars and tanks, in addition to walk or riding on the horse, and as some place is mountainous, game player can choose a rock face as a short cut.

    They could also call a friendly helicopter support them toagainst the enemy soldiers in combat or send commandos ofreconnaissance target area. Snake can also call AI teammates including quiet female sniper and a supernatural ability horse named d-horse, and Sanke can carry more equipment in the wild area. custom mounts; d-walker, manned, highly flexible mobile weapons platform, can provide heavy weapons support; and the anti smuggling and dogs, pup growth and training new mother base to assist him in the field. Peer ability and effectiveness will depend on the player's ability and their relationship.

    In the Peace Walker, the Phantom Pain will provide a base for building features that allow players to develop weapons and items from their home base.

    Through the complete an application, access to their base, intelligent mobile phone from their real life and other equipment selection. Unlike the peace walker is, game player can see the base from the air, they can control the Snake, he explores the complex walk. Fulton surface recovery system, the project is introduced into the game of peace walker, and returned, and players can now transport the captured soldiers and other objects, such as animal and vehicle back to the base. In order to improve the base's defense and technology, players can collect items from around the world, such as diamonds, shipping containers and special picture box, combat mission and sent to recruit soldiers in the world. The income is to invest in upgrading the appearance and ability, weapons and equipment of the snake, his partner of artificial intelligence, and vehicles. For example, the prosthesis can snake with a Taser, improve the echo location function, or remote control, let it fly as an unmanned aerial vehicle.

    I think the series Metal Gear Solid are very good. Along with the progress of the times the pace of MGS is never neglected. Along with its improvement and strengthening, it has become more attractive for those players who originally became interested in this game themed with stealth and action. Although there are still some bad game modes and versions produced by the game company. But I have to say that they made the new version very dreamy. With sudden dramatic changes of story and some new experiences, it is so easy to let players who have previously played this series buy this game. Either in the story or gaming experience, Metal Gear Solid is dramatic. The most amazing thing is that its high quality gives the players' playing a good sense, like watching a movie. I couldn't say anything  about such a perfect game. I only express some regret, that my computer configuration is not good enough and my spare time is not enough to enjoy this game.


Mega Man

    In the original story of the Mega Man, players' role is the assistant of his creator Dr. light. When light associates crazy, Dr light repurposes Megaman battle mad scientist, and his robot army and stop them take over the planet by the ability to use their own special ability to pay them. He failed by using his Buster arm cannon and his copy of the boss of the robot in the special weapons, Mega Man to travel around the world and across the harsh environment, in order to put an end to the threat of wily. With the control of his creator Dr. light and his companions help, million people, the ultimate goal is to achieve eternal dayPeace of mankind and robots.

    At the end of Mega Man Zero 4, Zero learns that Weir is a human, department with the same man, he and OMEGA into the space of the wizard of war to make a bionic hybrid Weir. His new body is not aging, or more importantly, as it continues to repair and upgrade, it will die. Weir deliberately set out to the bus station, to fully understand he can beat zero personal.Weil influence on survival and supervision of the damage area and then blended with Ragnarok core and attack zero as the final boss. A fierce war and destruction of Weill's fusion decomposition to Ragnarok, so that zero can not escape.

     Ciel went to the area zero, confirmed that there is no transfer back to zero. For the scene at the end of the game, the player can see the top of the hill, knelt cry in the credits. Later, she stood up, expressed her confidence to zero, and hope that he will return one day. Scene becomes white, and then to the image of zero's helmet, because it lay on the ground and other parts should have been burned to nothing from the fall through atmosphere .

     When I look back on  my memories of games in my childhood, Mega Man series came out naturally. The game that introduced me to mechanical and technological themes was Mega Man. It taught me that a 8bit game can be so varied. Whether the novelty of the game's theme or the feel of operating, Mega Man is also one of the best game from earlier years. Stimulating adventure, a bit of romance and an ambiguous story, it is  a total curiosity for the players. When players talk about Mega Man, they all say that how they clear this game is through the night. Even my friends agree with  no exception the Mega Man's experience is amazing.
    Although Mega Man's story and game design is quite brilliant , the production and expression of the game screen technology are very behind of times. Compared with other games of the same era, Mega Man's quality still needs to be strengthened. I think it must be a bit lame for some players who care about the game screen's quality.


Devil May Cry

    The plot begins with Devil May Cry 3 in Dante's as yet unnamed shop as a mysterious man named Arkham arrives with a message from Dante's brother, Vergil. A huge tower from the ground distance store broke out, and Dante put it on behalf of Virgil challenge. After numerous battles Dante to Datta summit, temen Ni Gru, and fighting Virgil. Virgil defeated Dante, apparently killed him, and left the summit. However, in his resurrection Dante lurking in the power of the devil, he in pursuit of Virgil. He finally found him in the basement of the control room. The two brothers fight again until they interrupt the woman, then Agam, who said, he has been manipulating them three recovery tower. He is going to steal the Spartan force, sword, and re open the door to the demon world, and he will reign. A Gan Ye Dante, Virgil and his wife died, into the demon world. However, Dante followed He will eventually catch up to him, where he and Virgil work together to defeat him. Dante and Virgil to play one last time that their victory, and Dante. At this point, Virgil then deep into the demon world. Back to the human world, outside the tower, she met a word "devil may cry" and a woman, she tried to comfort the loss of his brother. They formed a friendly ship in demon killing, and then he named his shop "devil may cry".

    The  CAPCOM company's 'Devil May Cry 'has a high quality feel with a significant  European fantasy theme which can easily handle many players and give a very good game experience. There are gorgeous distinctive Gothic dark themes coupled with heavy metal music, industrial music and beautiful electronic sound. In its setting of dark magic and fantasy, The role in the character's setting made the work a bit more-handsome and humorous.
    But you'll find in depth that this work has many contradictory elements.They brought a sense of disharmony, because this series is too focused on the elements and the connotation. But a little regret may be a good incentive for players to look forward to the new one of this series.


The Sims

    One of the world's largest 3 World Adventures is the world's most popular three destination. This feature is a bit like a holiday. You will go home on the basis of your travel simulation level, which will eventually unlock new levels. With a higher level, a long time frame, you can stay in a country from three days to 72 days with a single simulation Land.

  To give you an idea that we are talking about, we start at 17 yuan an hour, but 2 or three of promotions, then sit around 37 yuan an hour. In fact, our professional road as a secret agent can pay up to $12780 a week! This is a major jump in cash flow, if you want to live in a system without  economic issue, You need a good operating plan.

    I have been very fond of the game 'The Sims' since my youth. In the category of casual games, the sims is a very creative work. Players can achieve a variety of things which can be achieved in life in the game, Even the things we want to do but we can't do is covered. As a loyal player , I very like to rely on The Sims to produce some comic books. I made the story line in the game with many screenshots, and shared them with other players. I think that players' extending of new play is one of the game's advantages. I hope that I would be able to participate in production of similar works in the future. I think the more creative the game is, the more likely it could give players not only on the basis of the game, but in a new pattern. I hope my future work will make players feel that they are creating a new world, not just playing games. 
    One important feature of The Sims is the performance of free development. This point allows players to freely develop a lot of patches and plug-ins. They made the game more diverse and the sense is more beautiful. I have to say that the game is very good, and it is also suitable for people of all ages. I think the only fly in the ointment is that the story is too simple. It led me to think that there is no difference between the story mode and the free mode.


Alice:Madness Returns

      In Alice: Madness returns, Alice's aim is to find her memory. In the prequel, Alice Liddell events, I believe it is responsible for their own, consumption of her family. She fled to a twisted version of Wonderland. In Rutledge asylum seekers at the same time, Alice can also overcome her doubts, and she will be eventually released. Alice II occurred in 1875. A year later of Alice's release.

  Alice, 19 years old, living in London's Victoria orphanage, under the care of doctor Angus Bumby, doctors use hypnosis to help patients with his children forget memories. Although she think she is very good, Alice is still suffering from hallucinations of fairyland

    Alice: Madness Returned is very good. Especially in the sense ,the style and the games settings are quite attractive. Its unique expression makes people feel fresh and with a sense of deja vu. The only thing that makes me feel unsatisfied is that the game has not enough variety. Although the game's main story is very attractive, its operation system is very simple. It makes me feel that I'm constantly repeating the same action to advance the story. But compared to the Musou game, the pleasure it brings is not very obvious. In other words, compared with the action game, its operation mode is very awkward. Anyway, because of the excellent sence and the good use of it's elements, it could still attract a lot of players.



Final Fantasy

      In many final fantasy games the core conflict is concentrated in a group of characters with a vicious struggle, sometimes as old as the antagonist, the dominant game world. Stories often involve a sovereign state of rebellion, with the protagonist in the rebellion.

      Doomed to defeat the evil, with occasional clustering in a direct result of the malicious behavior of the opponent. Another major series is the existence of two villains; the main villain are not always the ones it seems that as the main antagonist agent may succumb to another character or entity.

      At the beginning of the game, the main opponent is the enemy, while the characters must continue their task, rather than the final battle.

     Series of stories often highlight the internal struggle, passion, and the character of the tragedy, and the main plot tend to fade into the background as the focus shifts to their personal life. Games also explore the relationship between the characters, from love to compete. Other recurring plot, drive the plot including forgotten, a force of evil and wrong identity, and self sacrifice of the hero. The magic crystal ball, crystal is regular game project, is usually connected to the theme of the plot of the game.
The crystal often makes the center of the world, and most of the ultimate fantasy game links the life force of the crystal sphere, and therefore, controlling the main conflicts of these crystals, the classic elements are recurring themes in a series of heroes, villains and articles.

    As a Japanese national level RPG, Final Fantasy is a classic and enduring series. Final Fantasy is published in FC at first. Its appearance has changed Dragon Quest series' dominance. Thus set up their own position into a leader in the industry. The emergence of the final fantasy made RPG games to be a new period with a lot of new ideas and models. The technical applications of this series are also at the forefront of times. Unfortunately, the recent work has begun to focus action too much, and gradually lose the feeling of RPG. The routines are also less flexible. But this series is still outstanding, and have a large following of fans.


Neighbours from Hell

    Neighbours from Hell is a strategy video game. In this game, woody is an ordinary person, who has a happy life, until his neighbor Lowe Mr.Lowe, let his life miserable. Woody full revenge Mr. Lowe. In this game players will be in the neighbor, the neighbor's house without the knowledge of the residents in performing magic. The player is a star with the same name as the new television program, with a camera, tracking every mobile player to set the trap such as a saw chair, banana skin/soap on the floor, the game's goal is to create chaos, increase ratings, win the grand prize.

  The 2004 sequel is released, known as the Neighbors from Hell 2: on vacation. In this game, players can travel at different locations around the world. This time, when he does not want to be caught, he must also be the same as the mother of the neighbors from hell.

    Neibhours From Hell is also a very fond classic game from my childhood. It is the first game I played to vent grief and anger upon others. The tension through intimidation and the sense of achievement after success is so pleasurable that I can't forget. Especially gradually increasing difficulty with the advance of story makes the game have more and more interesting things.
    As a game sold a long time ago, it still could be strengthened. But this work is enough to make me feel contented for an original video game, it gave me such an amazing effect at the time.


The Binding of Isaac

    In The Blinding of Isaac, "Isaac" the combination may fly your game under the radar. In this case, it would be quite the tragedy. "Isaac" is a random generation of 2011 characters that play games with the shooter's heavy rougelike elements.This is a flash game and 2D art design is what I can only describe as a lovely Gore.

      His mother heard the "gods" required a sacrifice to prove her faith, so naturally, Isaac escaped into their demons.   The game took place in the basement. Each time you play the game. The game takes place in the basement. Each time you play. The map is formatted into each one. Each map of it has a treasure. Each one has a unique project. You can pick up the coin. If you can pick up the new items, you can pick up other advantages, they also change your appearance, unique to each item you pick up. The ultimate goal is to move the boss through each of the basement. Move, and drop to a lower level, for you to move forward and eventually fight for your mom. Your enemy's range from fixed shot to the injector head, close to invincible high speed zombies.

      In the last stage of the game, the game's difficulty and the size of the map are both upgrade to eight levels. This allows players to make extreme changes in game time, from just five minutes to 1.5 hours. Of course, depending on what you are. If you are, you have to check every room, and try to make sure that you have to check every single player. If you are a successful hunter, there are more than 80 achievements to unlock.

    I would like to think that there is a wealth of information in a game of The Blinding of Isaac. The content of the game is a combination of the Bible story and the original part. Different endings, different choices and a different road, even of them is one of the reason to attract players. The randomness of the game also allows players to feel the inconceivable destiny. In its creation, it seems that they spent more time focused on the original part, so there is not much introduction to the story and elements of the game, the goal of its development is a simple RPG game.
    This also leads to be very interesting and shocking when we look at the relevant information.

Metal Max

      Metal Max is one of the earliest example of an open and non-linear role playing game. It lacks a predetermined path to the story, but the player is able to access anywhere in the game world, rather than a selection task, in any order.

      The outcome can be determined by the players, they can change the outcome through their own behavior, in almost any time to complete the game, and even after the end of the game to continue to play the game. Noah is an supercomputer made by people for earth's reborn. Through analysis of more data, to calculate every possible, it "wake up", with the thought of the only way to saving the earth is destorying humanity.

    Metal Max is a series begun on FC. It set a unique view of the world. The combination of the end of world and the theme of tank is refreshing. They use a number of unique system and painting style to show the theme of the game. There is a strong machine that must destroy mankind in order to save the earth. This series has always been very hard  from its system or story. The rich sub stories and the main stories together create a complete world view. Regret is that this series is made slowly so much so that is always behind the times In machine performance.


